From campuses’ windows (UBC & SFU)


I have been trying new styles of presenting my posts on my site. I think you might find it weird to experience it, but at least I think it is a good way to decorate the entrance.

Past two weeks I have been uploading some sketches to my twitter account and Instagram, and it is hard to find places outside this month in Vancouver (sometimes it gets too cold to stay outside, and sometimes it rains a lot) Most importantly, I am a bit lazy to sketch lately, running between school and work. ‘Lazy’ means everything is going to slow down in results of lowering the standards, quality, quantity or anything you can come up with. To me, being lazy with sketching means that: 1) I would be less focus what I want to sketch 2) I tend to postpone the time to clean my brushes  What about you? I am sure you have been lazy with things that you love to do before.

Paper. Ink. 11

Sitting on the stairs outside of the Vancouver Art Gallery, I watched people having lunch, resting, talking, playing with kids. The ice skating facility is closed, but the reflection is just so beautiful on sunny day like this. University of British Columbia is the first school, and the first place that makes me the first impression of Canada. I came to Vancouver in 2011 during Christmas break, and it was just very cold to forget. The first 6 months were tough. Feeling not exactly confident, I lived with a new family as a homestay student. Anyhow, the sketch is quite straightforward: I used pencils as basic layouts and frameworks, and then coloured them.

Paper. Ink. 12

I am such a loyal student, sketching from my school’s window –Simon Fraser University. I also find my downtown campus is fascinating. 1) It is very close to Hasting St where I heard so many people spread a lot of infamous news around 2) The boundaries between campus and outside are so attractive (in a way, I think it is similar to the entrance of UBC) e.g. In the morning, I could wander around Canada Place where many travelers gather, then I could just walk to the classroom to catch my lecture. (In Asia, this is not really applicable; once you go to school, you pretty much just spend the whole day there) Besides, just for fun saying this, it is cool to say that ‘yeah, my campus is in downtown Vancouver’ (not funny, just bear with me, I quite enjoy saying that).

one sad news

The sketches of Georgia Hotel, as I have been postponing again and again, is not happening just because the interview does not happen successfully. (sometimes, I find official sites do not necessarily function that well to serve online visitors)

Talk to you soon !


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